Phillipines PRESS RELEASE January 02, 2021

As always, we are working around the clock to bring couples together. We would like to add updates resource information to anyone looking to use our services. (Reference links are at the bottom of this post.)With the emergence of the Covid-19 Variant many countries have amped up travel restrictions and entry protocols. Among those is the Philippines. For all persons planning on entering Philippines be advised of current requirements and regulations before booking travel plans. As a reference all links are provided as a source of reference. As always WE DO NOT INVOLVE with Immigration related issues. It is your responsibility to check with your local consulate or embassy on all requirements and regulations! Although you may be able to Marry the love of your life without prior meeting, a marriage certificate alone does not guarantee or grant visa or to be used for immigration purposes. Each country has their own regulations governing these policies and its up to you alone to research or contact the agencies responsible for making these decisions. As the same goes for USA there are strict criteria when it comes to what is considered a proven relationship. We understand Long distance relationships are difficult and we do everything within our power to advocate and we will always support your constitutional right to marry.
Bureau of immigration PhilippinesPRESS RELEASE2021 January 02Entry restrictions of aliens expandedMANILA, Philippines—the Bureau of Immigration (BI) announced the expansion of entry travelrestrictions starting midnight of January 3.BI Commissioner Jaime Morente shared that following an order from Malacanang, foreignpassengers coming from the United States of America have been included in the list of thoserestricted entry in the country.The USA adds to the list of 21 countries with temporary travel restrictions imposed due to thereported new strain of Covid-19 that has plagued the United Kingdom.According to the BI, foreigners coming from the following countries are temporarily prohibitedfrom entering the Philippines:(1) United Kingdom(2) Denmark(3) Ireland(4) Japan(5) Australia(6) Israel(7) The Netherlands(8) Hong Kong SAR(9) Switzerland(10)France(11)Germany(12)Iceland(13)Italy(14)Lebanon(15)Singapore(16)Sweden(17)South Korea(18)South Africa(19)Canada(20)Spain(21)USA“Foreigners from the US have been added to the list of those restricted,” saidMorente. “However, aliens from the US eligible for entry that arrive prior to January 3 will beallowed to enter but will be referred to the One Stop Shop for an absolute facility-based 14-dayquarantine period,” he explained.Morente clarified that Filipinos who will be arriving from said regions will be allowed to enter,but will likewise be referred for a strict 14-day quarantine.The BI Chief clarified that in the new ruling, starting January 3, passengers who are merelytransiting through any of the countries covered by the ban will be allowed to enter, provided thatthey stayed in the airport the whole time and were not cleared for entry in the covered countryby its immigration authorities.“Aliens with connecting flights and merely had a layover in the 21 countries may now be allowedto enter if eligible for entry,” said Morente. “But if they left the airport or were cleared for arrivalin the 21 countries, then they are prohibited from entering the Philippines,” he added.Morente added that those who traveled to the 21 countries 14 days prior to their arrival in thePhilippines will also be disallowed entry. He stated that aliens not coming from the 21 restrictedcountries are subject to the existing Inter-Agency Task Force Against Emerging InfectiousDiseases (IATF) guidelines.BI Port Operations Division Chief Atty. Candy Tan shared that they are on standby to implementany changes in travel policies as set by the IATF and the Office of the President.“International travel has dropped 79% in 2020, and you could really feel the effects especiallyduring this holiday season,” said Tan. “What used to be a bustling airport during Christmas andnew year is now silent and somber. There are still a number of traveling passengers, but not asrobust as the numbers that we saw in the past years,” she added.Tan appealed to the public to bear with the government for implementing the travelrestrictions. “These are temporary measures that the government needs to take to prevent theentry of the new strain of Covid-19,” said Tan. “While we are hoping for the revival of confidencein international travel, we are constrained to take these measures for everyone’s safety,” shestated.Department of Foreign Affairs latest info-***Temporary Suspension of Visa Issuance***TEMPORARY SUSPENSION OF VISA ISSUANCE AND VISA-FREE PRIVILEGES
The Philippine Consulate General in Houston wishes to inform the public that pursuant to a directive issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs, all visa issuances are temporarily suspended, effective immediately and until further notice.
All Visa-free privileges, including those pursuant to Visa Waiver Agreements, are likewise temporarily suspended.
Foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals are exempted from this temporary suspension.
The temporary suspension of visa issuance will deem all previously issued visas canceled, and foreigners with visas issued by Philippine Foreign Service Posts (primarily 9a Temporary Visitor/Tourist visas) will not be allowed entry into the Philippines starting 22 March 2020.
Visas previously issued to accredited Foreign Government and International Organization officials and their dependents will remain valid and will be honored when entering the Philippines even after said date. The same is true for previously issued visas to foreign spouses and children of Filipino nationals.
This temporary suspension has no impact on foreign nationals that are already in the Philippines.
– LATEST IATF resolution regarding entry to Foreign National.